Below is a partial listing of trusted sources of information regarding child mental health and development.

  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)

    The leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders.
    AACAP – ADHD Medication Guide

  • Affinia Healthcare

    Children’s Developmental Center – provides a team of specialists to evaluate and treat the medical, psychological, and social needs of children from infancy through beginning high school, working with both parents and the school system to help manage developmental, behavioral or emotional problems that may be affecting the child. The CDC provides individualized assessments and treatment, which may include individual, family, and/or group therapy.

  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

    An organization of 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

  • Autism Speaks

    The official Web site the nation’s leading nonprofit organization dedicated to funding research, raising public awareness and bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of autistic spectrum disorders.

    • Diagnostic Tool Kit: this link leads to a resource designed to assist families in getting through the critical time following an autism diagnosis.
    • Transition Tool Kit: this link provides information on supporting adolescents with autism spectrum conditions during the transition to adulthood.
  • BJC Behavioral Health

    An affiliated member of BJC HealthCare offering comprehensive community-based behavioral health services to children and adults in the St. Louis metropolitan area and in the Missouri counties of Washington, Iron and St. Francois.

  • CAP4Kids

    The Children’s Advocacy Project website is a comprehensive listing of social service agencies available to families in the St. Louis area.

  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention – Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers

    A free, evidence-based resource developed by CDC that gives parents ways to interact more positively with their children. Get expert advice and tips on common parenting challenges, watch videos and “how-to’s” for specific skills, and practice with interactive activities.

  • Center for Trauma Recovery, UMSL

    The multi-disciplinary center of the University of Missouri-St. Louis whose purpose is to foster Research, Graduate and Undergraduate Education, and Service (by way of a specialized Trauma Clinic) in the areas of trauma and victimization.

  • CHADS Coalition

    Offers programs in the areas of school outreach, community awareness and family support. Programs are funded by St. Louis County Children’s Service Fund for children and families within St Louis County. Some funding is available to cover programs outside of St. Louis County.

  • Epworth Children and Family Services

    Epworth is an independent agency helping all children and families to overcome severe emotional and behavioral challenges with innovative, holistic, and comprehensive treatment approaches.”

  • Epworth Transitional Living Program

    Provides housing, 24-hour support, access to therapy, independent living skills training, and supportive services for youth, ages 16 to 21.

  • Every Child’s Hope (ECH)

    An organization which assists children and youths through residential services, in-home services, reunification services, and an on-grounds school.

  • Facts for Families

    The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry provides concise and up-to-date information on issues that affect children, teenagers, and their families.

  • Family Resource Center

    Provides family-centered services to children and parents in the St. Louis area. Their programs help kids heal from the trauma of abuse and neglect, and strengthen families through therapeutic, educational, support and advocacy services. They also provide practical problem-solving assistance to alleviate the many triggers of abuse and neglect, including economic, psychological, and “inherited” behavioral factors.

  • Family Support Network

    Is dedicated to strengthening families through counseling, resource referrals, community-based partnerships, and in-home supportive and family psychotherapy. All services are provided free of charge by Masters level family therapists for families at risk for child abuse and neglect.

  • Great Circle

    Is a behavioral health organization that specializes in providing treatment, education, prevention and support services to children and families with a history of physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect or abandonment; children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and developmental disorders; and youth who engage in self-injurious behavior.

  • Illinois Department of Human Services

    Illinois resources for mental health

  • Kids In The Middle

    Helps families transition to a new way of life before, during and after separation and divorce by means of counseling, education and support.

  • Missouri Families for Effective Autism Treatment (MO-FEAT)

    Provides education, advocacy, and support for families and the autism community and to promote early diagnosis and effective autism treatment.

  • National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)

    The nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. Founded in 1979, NAMI has affiliates in every state and in more than 1,100 local communities across the country.

  • Preferred Family Healthcare Adolescent Substance Use
    Provides a full continuum of care for adolescents who develop problems related to alcohol or drug use, offering services ranging from residential and day treatment to intensive outpatient, outpatient, and aftercare.
    St. Louis City/County – 314-773-3670 / 314-972-8185
    St. Charles/St. Peters area – 636-946-6376
    Franklin County/Union – 636-584-8724
  • Sibling Support Project

    A national effort dedicated to the life-long concerns of brothers and sisters of people who have special health, developmental, or mental health concerns.

  • St. Louis Children’s Hospital
  • St. Louis Center for Family Development

    Provides family-centered, trauma-informed, and evidence-based mental health services to families in St. Louis City and County.

  • St. Louis County Children’s Service Fund (CSF): Find-a-Service Tool
    An interactive map of mental and behavioral health services in the St. Louis region
  • Teen Life

    A directory of boarding schools, colleges, summer programs, and advisers for students with special needs.

  • Zero to Three

    Is a national nonprofit organization that informs, trains and supports professionals, policymakers and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.