Andrea Giedinghagen, MD
Clinical Practice
SPOT – Supporting Positive Interventions for Teens Foster Care Psychiatry
Saint Louis Children’s Transgender Center

Cynthia Rogers, MD
Blanche F. Ittleson Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics
Vice Chair and Director, Division of Child Psychiatry
Psychiatrist-in-Chief, St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Interim Section Chief for Research, Division of Child Psychiatry
Co-Director, Perinatal Behavioral Health Service

Max Rosen, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry (Child)
Section Chief for Outpatient Services, Division of Child Psychiatry
Co-Director, Child Psychiatry Clinic
Clinic Director, Psychiatry Clerkship

T Eric Spiegel, MD
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry (Child)
Associate Director, Division of Child Psychiatry
Section Chief for Training, Division of Child Psychiatry
Training Director, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Medical Director of Inpatient Psychiatry Services, St. Louis Children’s Hospital

Alecia Vogel-Hammen, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry (Child)
Assistant Director for Research, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Faculty Sponsor, Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation Student Interest Group in Child Psychiatry
Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in the understanding, treating and preventing mental illnesses. In addition to successfully earning a doctorate of medicine, a psychiatrist must also complete supervised residency in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.